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The assessment of sensibility has been investigated since the 1960s but clinimetric properties of assessment tools remain understudied in burn literature and predominantly focussed on correlation between sensation and anatomical properties of (grafted) skin. However, sensory changes do not appear to have been routinely measured as outcomes in burns patients, which is surprising since sensation has been included as one of the core domains for burns outcome assessments. Diminished sensibility can be measured objectively. patient and observer scar assessment scale, Vancouver scar scale) and psychometric values have been fully documented.

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colour, thickness, etc.) in burn patients can be subjectively assessed with different scar scales (e.g. Pain, pruritus and typical scar characteristics (e.g. Objective as well as subjective outcome measures are available to evaluate scars during rehabilitation. Besides local anatomical changes, modifications in the central nervous system may play a role in the diminished sensation after burn.

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skin grafting) and hypertrophic scarring may contribute to the loss of sensation in healed burn scars. Nerve fibres or nerve receptors, surgical interventions (e.g. Interrater and intrarater reliability of the Semmes Weinstein aesthesiometer to assess touch pressure threshold in burn scars. Please cite this article in press as: Meirte J, et al. * Corresponding author at: Oscare, Van RoiestrMerksem, Belgium. The underlying pathophysiology of these impairments in body functions is unclear. The modalities of touch, two-point discrimination, warming and vibration are all significantly reduced after burn. Paresthetic sensation was found above 70% in patients 1 year or more after burn. All rights reserved.īurn scars are frequently accompanied with sensory deficits like pain, pruritus and hyposensibility, often remaining present months or even years after injury. In conclusion this study shows that the SWMT with the ‘ascending descending’ measurement procedure is a feasible and reliable objective measure to evaluate TPT in (older) upper extremities burn scars as well as in healthy skin. Within the control group also an excellent intrarater reliability (ICC = 0.807/SEM = 0.27) was found. In the scar group intrarater ICC value was excellent (ICC = 0.822/SEM = 0.33).

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The interrater reliability was excellent in the scar group (ICC = 0.908/SEM = 0.21) and fair to good in the control group (ICC = 0.731/SEM = 0.12). In total 36 individuals were tested a healthy control group and a scar group. We used the newly developed guidelines for reporting reliability and agreement studies (GRRAS) as a basis to report this reliability study. Within burn scars and healthy controls using the ‘ascending descending’ measurement procedure. The aim of this paper was to determine the interrater and intrarater reliability of TPTīurn Objective measurement Tactile sensation There is in recent research no consensus on the exact measurement procedure when using

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Pressure threshold (TPT) method using the Semmes Weinstein monofilament test (SWMT). Tactile sense of touch can be examined with the touch Clinimetric properties of assessment tools remain understudied within burn literature.

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University of Antwerp, Department of Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy, Antwerp, Belgium Oscare, Organisation for Burns, Scar After-Care and Research, Antwerp, Belgium c Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Department of Clinical and Lifespan Psychology, Brussels, Belgium d University of Antwerp, Department of Antwerp Surgical Training Anatomy and Research Centre, Antwerp, Belgium bīurn scars are frequently accompanied with sensory deficits often remaining present of Pages 7 burns xxx (2015) xxx–xxxĪvailable online at ScienceDirect journal homepage: Interrater and intrarater reliability of the Semmes Weinstein aesthesiometer to assess touch pressure threshold in burn scars J.

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